Set up sync server

If you want to sync your passwords with multiple devices or want to share passwords with your team or family members, you need to set up a private sync server. After setting it up, all desired users have to sign in to the server one-time to be able to use the sharing functionality.

No worries, the Pass Butler sync server is small and easy to set up. It consists only of one file: It's programmed in modern Python 3 and uses SQLite as database.

Professional deployment

For professional deployment options, consult the official server documentation:

Learn more

Quick test deployment

If you just want to test the sync server real quick, you can deploy it with only a few steps (a Debian based system with root access is recommended).

1. Install the required packages:

$ sudo apt install git python3-virtualenv

2. Clone the Pass Butler sync server:

$ git clone && cd ./passbutler-server/

3. Setup virtual Python environment:

$ virtualenv ~/Desktop/passbutler-server-venv --python=python3 && source ~/Desktop/passbutler-server-venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

4. Run the server:

$ FLASK_ENV=production FLASK_APP=passbutlerserver:createApp PASSBUTLER_SETTINGS=./passbutlerserver-example.conf flask run --host --port 80

Now the server runs on port 80. Now you just need to HTTPS proxy the server because the Pass Butler client apps require TLS for release versions.